If you’d like to lend a hand with some of the most rewarding volunteer work you’ll find, please contact our chapter’s Trail Maintenance Manager, Pat Witkowski (gpwit1976@gmail.com or 262-490-3515).
Trail Monitors
We rely heavily on volunteers to maintain the Ice Age Trail and report any trail issues so they can be addressed quickly. Any signs of vandalism should especially be reported immediately so we can increase our presence in any vulnerable areas. If you have a problem to report, please contact Pat.
You can also fill out a trail report [MS Word]. If you have questions about what to watch for, we have a trail monitoring guide [PDF] to assist you.
With close to 25 miles of Trail that need to be mowed several times during the spring, summer, and fall months, we can always use some extra help with mowing duties. We supply the equipment, including the trailer, but a vehicle with a hitch is necessary. If you think you may enjoy running a brush mower and have a few hours to spare, please consider this volunteer opportunity. The time commitment depends on the weather and how much rainfall we experience. Training is provided. We recommend going out with a partner for safety reasons. Plus, it’s a lot more fun with someone to share the work with.
Additional Opportunities
In addition to the “standard” tasks for which we often need volunteer help (for example, mowing the Trail), we also have a variety of special projects available.
Certified Chainsaw Operators
Following heavy rains and/or winds, many trees fall. Sometimes they land on the Trail and need to be removed so that the Trail is passable for users. We have plenty of work for individuals who are certified chainsaw operators, or who wish to become certified.
Trail Signage Volunteers
Signs are important on the Ice Age Trail. They need to be updated continuously; over time, they begin to look worn as the colors fade due to the sunlight. We have all the tools you need, and training is available. This is a great way to get some exercise and contribute to the maintenance of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
If you are someone who enjoys more physical work, we have something for you, too. Our posts are wood, and like anything else that is outdoors, they wear out after a certain period of time and need to be replaced. We also have boardwalks, puncheons, kiosks, and benches that need to be constructed. This is a perfect job to satisfy that hidden desire to be a carpenter that some of us have.
Non-native and Invasive Plantlife Removal
Depending on the time of year, we have crews who focus on the removal of invasive species in Wisconsin. Some plant life we are attempting to control includes Garlic Mustard, Black Locust, Buckthorn, and Honeysuckle. Identifying and knowing the proper ways to control and remove them requires some training, which is provided.