The boundless energy of kids.
We all wish we had a bit more of it ourselves.
Perhaps you’ve even wished you could harness it.
What if you could focus all that energy and unleash it like a super power, in service of a better, brighter world?
Well, the visionaries of Village of Hartland and the Hartland School of Community Learning did just that through a collaborative service event on Friday, May 6th to clean up a section of the Hartland Marsh.
The Village of Hartland is thoroughly embracing its designation as a Trail Community of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. Its commitment to the Trail is evidenced in this worthwhile stewardship project. What better way to foster a healthy, vibrant community than by involving the next generation in getting outside and investing time and energy to clean up the beautiful marshland right outside their front door?
Two classroom teachers stepped forward, eager to get their kids engaged with a worthy civic project. A group of 5th graders kicked off the project in the morning and a group of 3rd and 4th graders led the charge in the afternoon. Plenty of adults, committed to the Ice Age Trail from the Waukesha/Milwaukee County Chapter, were on hand to supervise the kids and teach them about the value of managing natural areas.
The kids practiced teamwork as they were divided into work groups responsible for cutting and pulling invasive plants like Buckthorn and Honeysuckle, while partners dragged the brush to the edge of the work site for removal by the Village at a later time.
The satisfaction of setting specific goals, and working as a team to accomplish them, was reinforced as the kids faced a sizeable project. By the end of the day they had cleared out the less desirable bushes to reveal the glory of a grand oak tree.
It was an awesome day filled with sunshine, fresh spring air, and boundless energy as the next generation got busy learning how to help manage the Ice Age National Scenic Trail as it meanders through the Hartland Marsh.