Contest: Trail Inspired Limericks

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Quarantine Challenge, Limerick Contest

Are you looking for a lighthearted distraction from the pandemic?

Limericks are the answer! These short, silly poems offer a much-needed dash of humor to an otherwise uncertain situation.

Try your hand at writing an Ice Age Trail inspired limerick, (or two, or more) and enter them into our contest (in honor of National Poetry Month).

Your limerick could be an ode to mosquitoes, permethrin, ticks, yellow blazes, eskers, or kettle lakes! (Or wherever else your inspiration is found!)

They’re easy enough to write – get the kids involved!

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Limerick Contest

Please say yes!

Like this answer from one of the contest judges:

To me, this sounds like great fun,
So I’ll try to craft a smart pun.
It won’t be that hard,
In the words of Picard –
I will “make it so” and be done!

Thank you, Dave Lonsdorf, Co-Coordinator for the Dane County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail Alliance.

How to Write a Limerick:

A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a single stanza, an AABBA rhyme scheme, and whose subject is a short, pithy tale or description.

Limericks follow a very strict composition structure:

  • Consist of a single stanza
  • Consist of exactly five lines
  • Employ one rhyme on the first, second, and fifth lines
  • Employ a second rhyme on the third and fourth lines

Here’s an example of an Ice Age Trail inspired limerick:

My goal is to hike on The Trail
Every morning at ten, without fail.
I’ll put on my shoes
Get rid of my blues
And trek over hill and down dale.

(Courtesy of Dave Lonsdorf)

Contest Details:

  • Submit your limerick(s) by Wednesday, May 6, 2020 to, subject line: Limericks.
  • Include first and last name of the poet.
  • On Tuesday, May 12, National Limerick Day, the winning limericks (up to 10 limericks) will be posted on social media beginning at 8:00 a.m., and each hour after that.)
  • While limericks have a history of being a bit bawdy or crude, only family-friendly limericks will be posted online. 😊