Sarah Pearce

Saunters Project Coordinator

Sarah is responsible for the direct communication with educators to plan, schedule, and implement aspects for Think Outside: Pre-hike presentations; Field-experience hike; Post field-experience report; and other administrative duties related to managing this grant-funded initiative.

Sarah first stumbled across the Ice Age Trail when she and her family moved to Cross Plains in 2019. She was scouting for local trail-running locations. Little did she know, the headquarters for Wisconsin’s National Scenic Trail was right in her new hometown! She quickly became an Ice Age Trail Alliance member and began to enjoy the Trail. When the Alliance created the Think Outside program later that year, and was looking for someone to coordinate it, she joined in a new capacity!

Sarah previously worked with a variety of non-profits, schools, and nature centers in the realm of nature-based education. She has a BA in Environmental Science and an MS in Child Development and is especially interested in connecting young children with the natural world. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys trail-running, cross-country skiing, reading, and exploring with her husband and four kids.


Favorite Ice Age Trail Segments:
So far… The Table Bluff Segment, specifically, the SwampLovers’ Preserve and Hickory Hill within the Anderson Preserve of the Cross Plains Segment. “I spend a lot of time on these local sections, throughout all seasons—I’m super grateful to have them so accessible.”