Habitat Management Clean up-Lodi Valley Chapter

The Event:

Hello Ice Age Trail Volunteers,
Our first workday of the year is here. Habitat Management Clean-up. We plan to work until about noon but come for as much or as little time as you can give.

Event details:

Saturday, February 11th, 2023 @ 9:00 AM
9am – 12:00pm: We will be cleaning up the areas on the Steenbock Preserve that crews worked on in the previous two days…piling brush, raking burn piles, etc.
12:00pm:  After the work is done, we will eat around noon. We will supply Lodi Sausage Company brats, hot dogs, vegetarian brats (limited supply) cooked over a fire, plus all the fixings.

Note: Please feel free to bring your own lunch if dietary needs require.

Check-In and Parking Information:

Check-in and register at 9:00am at the parking lot for the Merrimac Ferry on Hwy 113 and Hwy 188. Watch for yellow “Ice Age Trail Event” signs as you approach.

What to Bring:

• Have on winter-appropriate footwear. Bring ice cleats (Micro Spikes, Yak Traks, etc.) if you have them for secure footing
• Appropriate ‘near-fire’ clothing (no synthetics – leave that fancy coat at home)
• Clothing to dress in layers (for warmth and to keep dry).
• A daypack for your water bottle, leather gloves and protective eye wear
• A water bottle(s) and/or a thermos filled with a warm beverage
• Certified sawyers are welcome and encouraged to bring your saw and PPE

 Location details:

We will meet at the Parking Lot for the Merrimac Ferry on Hwy 113; Watch for the yellow Ice Age Trail Event signs.

Questions? Contact Bill at 608-843-3926 or Ken at 847-687-0527 or Ross at 608-513-6348

As a valued volunteer with the Ice Age Trail, we thank you. We want you to know of an important action you need to take to ensure that you have a completed Individual Volunteer Agreement established with the National Park Service for continuing your valued work on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. The volunteer agreement guarantees that you have access to important safety information and work guidance. The volunteer agreement also extends the same protections to you for injury coverage that federal employees receive, should you become injured while performing approved volunteer activities.

Please take a few minutes TODAY to go to the following link: https://www.nps.gov/iatr/getinvolved/supportyourpark/upload/Individual-301a.pdf

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

*Interested in volunteering at the Habitat Management Workdays Feb 9 & 10? Go to: https://www.iceagetrail.org/event/habitat-improvement-gibraltar-rock/ for more information on project tasks and sign-up.

Trail Improvement Event-Lodi Valley Chapter

Ice Age Trail Alliance, Ice Age National Scenic Trail, Dane County Chapter, Winter Workday

Stewardship Workday: Volunteers restore the landscape and burn piles of brush in the winter. Photo by Brent Sieling

The Event:

Greetings Volunteers!
After several productive workdays in the last few months our next workday will continue our multi-day effort to improve the trail from the kiosk up to the Horton vista. We plan to work until about noon but come for as much or as little time as you can give.

Event details:

Saturday, November 12th at 9:00 am.

We have a number of tasks for the day. The re-location of the trail out into the field to avoid the badly eroded areas that will improve the hiker experience is mostly done – hurrah!! There are a few finishing touches to be done.  There are also water diversions that need improvement and refreshing.  Work will continue on building a set of stone steps to eliminate a steep and eroded section of trail. Which tasks we tackle that day will depend on the number of volunteers taking part.

The November workday is often our last one of the year as the ground becomes too frozen to work. We do have a day scheduled for December 10th that is always weather dependent. More on that later.

All the tools will be provided, just wear long pants and sleeves with sturdy shoes, bring some water, work gloves (we’ll have extras to use), and your energetic attitude!

Location details:

We will meet at the West Gibraltar Rock Trailhead/Parking lot on Highway V; Watch for the yellow Ice Age Trail Event signs.

Questions? Contact Bill at billpatti@charter.net or 608-843-3926.

As a valued volunteer with the Ice Age Trail, we thank you. We want you to know of an important action you need to take to ensure that you have a completed Individual Volunteer Agreement established with the National Park Service for continuing your valued work on the Ice Age National Scenic Trail. The volunteer agreement guarantees that you have access to important safety information and work guidance. The volunteer agreement also extends the same protections to you for injury coverage that federal employees receive, should you become injured while performing approved volunteer activities.

Please take a few minutes TODAY to go to the following link: https://www.nps.gov/iatr/getinvolved/supportyourpark/upload/Individual-301a.pdf

Pencil in these upcoming events:

Nov 19th: Tyke Hike

Dec 7th: Full Moon Hike with our special guest – Santa Claus!

Dec 10th: Workday

Dec 17th: Tyke Hike…with Santa